Books by Rachel Jerry
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Ready Answer: A Family
Book of Questions and Answers for the Christian Faith
Lay a strong and sure foundation for your children’s faith with the help of Ready Answer: A Family Book of Questions and Answers for the Christian Faith. Each page of this family devotional and Biblical study book poses a faith-related question, an answer to that question, scripture and study references to support the answer, and prompts for further study and learning. It is so important for every believer, young and old, to know what they believe and why they believe it.
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense (an answer) to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…
1 Peter 3:15
With 100 questions and answers, Ready Answer was designed to be used in a variety of ways to meet differing family needs. Use this book for:
introduction to apologetics
memorization, like a Protestant catechism
family devotional
homeschool Bible-time study
quick guide for answers to common faith questions
Let There Be!: Biblical Cosmology of Creation
for Little Ones
God’s glory revealed in His creation…
Let There Be! is a beautifully illustrated children’s book that portrays the Genesis account of creation from a Biblical Cosmology perspective.
If you’re a Christian family looking for a children’s book about God’s amazing creation without the insertion of globes, space, and planets or the omission of the firmament, then this is the book for you!
Paperback children’s book, ideal for ages 2-5
Colorfully and thoughtfully illustrated
Easy to understand, yet taken directly from scripture
Family discussion prompts to encourage critical thinking and engagement with God’s word
"This is such a well laid out, and well written book! Perfect to have in every home, for kids, teens, and adults."
-Alanna Jerome
Amazon review for Ready Answer
“So excited to get my hands on this book. What a great way to help my children build confidence in God's word and even helpful for adults. The author did a great job of being thorough while still simple enough for my children to learn these truths."
-Liz Rooney
So happy to add this book to our collection. A great reference and study book for our homeschool family! Love that its all backed up by so much Scripture! Very well done!
-Sean and Ashley Nolan
Amazon Review for Ready Answer
Amazon Review for Ready Answer
Finally a biblical cosmology book for children that isn’t weird or creepy! The illustrations are beautiful. Everything is in alignment with scripture. Instant peace when I skimmed through before showing our children. Everyone loves it. Buy this book for your littles and push back on the world’s indoctrination and Satan’s lies.
-Jonathan Moore
Thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord and sharing this info in a way our little ones can understand ! Love it!
-Jewels Parsons
Amazon review for Let There Be!: Biblical Cosmology of Creation for Littles Ones
I am so happy to have this book for my daughter and boys to have illustrations and text to accurately present biblical cosmology. I highly recommend this book for parents wanting to educate their children in absolute biblical truths.
-Liz Rickman
Amazon review for Let There Be!: Biblical Cosmology of Creation for Littles Ones
Amazon review for Let There Be!: Biblical Cosmology of Creation for Littles Ones